Hi there!
Now that the crazy holiday season is coming to an end, i can finally get back to a normal-ish routine. I've been wanting to blog about our trip to St. Louis since we got back but my schedule just hasn't allowed it (see last post). I wouldn't say i don't have anything to do now because my to-do list is still a monster but at least they aren't as time sensitive so i can work through them in the order i choose. Anyways, enough rambling!
James and I went to St. Louis two weekends ago because that is where his corporate office is for his job. They were having a Christmas party and was nice enough to pay for his trip up there. We decided this was a good opportunity for me to see St. Louis as well so we negotiated more hotel nights if he drove instead of flying and thankfully his company agreed. So begins our adventure!
Day 1
We (purposely) booked a hotel right next to Forest Park. I knew James would have to work on Friday and I would be left most of the day without a car so i wanted to be close enough to walk to somewhere for something to do. Turns out this "park" has tons of things inside of it. I made the joke while we were there that "it was funny what these city folk call a park" because they had an area with a bunch of buildings and roads and just because there was some grass sprinkled in between they called it a park. Seriously, it was a very nice area but it was like driving from my house to work every day. In my opinion, it wasn't a true park. Anyways, enough ranting, back to the trip!
If you know me and James at all then you would know our first stop was the Zoo. It was located in Forest Park so we were able to walk to it in less than a mile. It was huge! There were tons of animals and the best part is that it is FREE!! I don't know how an area gets a free zoo but Knoxville needs to get on that! They were doing some construction on the sea lion part and the future plans look awesome. I hope we get to go back up when it is warmer so the animals are more active. Here are some highlights:
A cool multi-animal statue outside the zoo. St. Louis sure does love its steel statues! |
You could get really close to the Penguins! These were like 3ft away. So cute! |
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My favorite part was the Hippos. They were super friendly and got really close. |
Meet James' new favorite animal; the Bush Dog. They look like a mix between a bear /fox/dog. They were very active too. I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up with one next week. |
The moral of the story here is, if you go to St. Louis definitely make time for the zoo!
The walk to the zoo was nice and sunny but by the time we headed back to the hotel the sky was looking really gloomy and it was very windy. It was miserable. It was so cold that James' cheeks were turning purple and i am not exaggerating at all. We ducked into a nearby Jimmy John's to get warm and rest our poor feet. The sandwiches were delicious, I don't know why i don't eat there more often. I don't know if Mayo is an important item to have in the event of an apocalypse but Jimmy John's was, without a doubt, ready!
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What you can't see in this picture is that they have a third shelf to the left that is also full of mayo. What the??? |
Next we decided to venture to Delmar Loop which is suppose to be "the happening place". It ended up being several speciality boutiques that just weren't for us and also several unique eateries. One of them being Fitz's soda. They make their own soda and have GIGANTIC floats of all kinds. They had one called "A Better Brown Cow" that was chocolate ice cream in cream soda. They all made me drool but we didn't plan right and were so stuffed after the food that we couldn't even stomach the sight of a float. We did get a cool view of the soda making room. They just weren't making anything because it was late at night.
Day 2
This was the day that James had to go into work for his review and Christmas party. One of the activities was that everyone had to decorate their own wreath. Apparently we misunderstood the rules and it was suppose to be ABOUT james. Like we should have put some disc golf discs around it with a jeep and probably LOTS of animals but we just decorated it like a normal wreath. I thought it turned out pretty good but he lost the contest needless to say.
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Notice the cardinals, you know, for St. Louis. |
The history museum also boasted that it is free but again, the featured (again, cool) exhibits cost money. I am really getting frustrated at this point... I guess i shouldn't complain though, at least part of it was free instead of nothing. There was a 1904 World's Fair exhibit in which i learned that one of first official marathons were held there. It started with 30 something runners but only 14 finished and several people were caught cheating by taking short cuts. I also learned that runners would take a small amount of rat poison because they believed it would help them deal with the pain. Also, supporters would run up and offer the runners shots of brandy to help deal with the pain. When you think about it like that, it is kind of funny that we continued this tradition since they had to find ways to deal with the pain.
Another one of the free exhibits was about Charles Lindbergh. It showed all his different plane experiments and there was even a life size model of one of his first planes. It didn't even have a windshield because that was the only spot for the gas tank. He used a parascope to see where he was going like a submarine. What i found most interesting about this exhibit was that Lindbergh's whole life he had wanted nothing more than to fly and once he was able to he concentrated all his efforts on advancing the technology until his later years when he became a huge environmental advocate and this was one of his last quotes:
How depressing is it that he worked his whole life to achieve his dreams and he actually got there but only to realize that he regretted what he had helped create. Maybe we all need to take a minute to look at our goals and think about what is really important to us, what we truly want.
On a happier note, Lindbergh was given several gifts from his travels but the coolest by far was this tiny guitar that was actually functional.
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It measured about 1.5 - 2 inches tall. That is a pick on the neck. |
Next i ventured off to the Grand Basin and Art Hill which turns out is just a large pond with 9 fountains in it and it backs up to a giant hill that is infront of the art museum. Nothing exciting at all. Wasn't even worth taking my gloves off to take a picture. However, you are allowed to sled down Art Hill and i bet that is a blast!!
While walking about the park i kept seeing signs for the Jewel Box so i decided to go check it out. Apparently it is a fancy greenhouse (and i mean hella fancy) that is lined with plants but you can actually rent the middle for weddings and functions. You wont see any pictures of the inside because it cost $1 to go in. That's right, they charge to see plants. Not flowers. Plants. So needless to say i didn't go inside.
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The Jewel Box (aka fancy greenhouse) |
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Cool druid-y statue outside Jewel Box |
Day 3
All the adventuring caught up with us and we slept in and missed breakfast (nooooooo!) but that's okay. You have to sleep in at least one day per vacation. We decided to try out this mac and cheese place all Cheese-ology in Delmar Loop. They basically just had a bunch of different kinds of mac and cheese combinations and 3 salads. I got the bacon mac and cheese and James got the buffalo mac and cheese. They were AMAZING. We really need one of those here in Knoxville. Market Square would be perfect. Anyways... we finally made our way to the Arch. I have to say from the outside it was pretty dang cool. It is honestly just beautiful.
You are able to go underground at the base of the arch and they have a museum, a theater that plays a show about Lewis and Clark and you can also get on the lift that takes you up the arch. If someone asked me, i would tell them just to go SEE the arch but don't go up in the arch. The wait is 10 minutes per group and that doesn't include if there are groups infront of you. The shuttle is a tiny egg that barely fits 5 people and even i had to slump forward because i was too tall for the ceiling. (I am only 5'5"). The ride up (630ft) is 3 minutes and then you cram into a narrow area with windows on both sides. You look out of the windows for 2 minutes and then you have to wait another 10 minutes for the shuttle to come back. I'll save you the trouble, here are pictures of the view:
View from the base of The Arch |
Left side out of the arch |
Right side out of arch |
We decided to take it easy on our last St Louis activity, which was just to see Sherlock Holmes in a nearby theater. It was a cool style, it looked like an old performance theatre that had been turned into a movie theater.
Day 4
Since it was an 8 hour drive, we just ate breakfast and headed home on this day but i had to share one last adventure. We drove by Metropolis on our way home. That's right, the home of Superman! So of course there was a statue and a photo-opt! :)
Overall we had a great time and i look forward to going back to St. Louis. I believe a big part of the success of this trip was the amount of time planning i put into it BEFORE we went. I made a list of everything i wanted to do, completely researched the activities and any applicable hours and fees. Then i divided the activities over the days we were there being careful to take the hours of operations into consideration. I was also very careful about the location of the hotel i picked which as you can tell played a huge role in what i was able to do while James was gone. Sure, i could have called a taxi but that would have added up quick and with some planning i was able to avoid that expense all together. If you have never used Google to search and even book a hotel then you are missing out. Find something you want to stay near (ex. Forest Park) and google map "hotels near (Forest Park)". It will bring up all the surrounding hotels and even list 4-5 sites to book them on with prices! A-MA-ZING!
I would highly recommend our hotel for location and cleanliness. However, for extended stays it could have had a few more bells and whistles. I really missed having a mini fridge. As you can guess, my number one recommendation is the zoo and then, heck, check out that cheese-ology place for lunch and head over to Fitz' and get yourself an amazing float!
Okay, so this blog post turned out WAAAAAAY longer than i expected so if you made it this far, I commend you. I have almost fallen asleep 3 times just while writing it. (j/k!) I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventure! :)
Alright, off to bed now, for realz.
(Update 12.29.11: added the picture of The Arch. I can't believe i forgot to include it originally!!)
(Update 12.29.11: added the picture of The Arch. I can't believe i forgot to include it originally!!)
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