Helloooooooooo! I'm kind of like a bad penny, ya know? I just keep coming back... Every year when my domain name comes up for renewal I am reminded that I have a blog then I tell myself that I am going to start blogging again and I do it a few times and then stop. Well, why stop the cycle now??? 😉
The last time I picked up blogging it was after I had tried a 30-day no social media challenge and loved it. However, after a few months of no social media, I missed having an outlet to share pics of my dog and our travels with our family and friends. So once again I picked up blogging and was having a nice time with it until the site started being buggy with my ipad and eventually my ipad keyboard died. Yes, you can blog on a PC (i'm doing it now!) but it was harder to add the pictures so instead of making the effort to find a solution, I just stopped.
Well, since my last post almost 2 years ago, I have fallen back into social media and still hate it. It is just so easy to launch it during those small moments with nothing else to do (cough, bathroom, cough). I've even tried deleting the app but then I just launch it on the web. I never enjoy my time on facebook and Instagram is just a little better. Luckily I've never let myself create a Tik-Tok account or i'd be trapped there too! Ugh!
Anyways, so here I am trying to cut that social media negativity from my life but once again, i am faced with the question of how to still share my precious dog pictures with the world?! Also, when I looked at my last post, i really loved the idea of blogging about trips as a nice way to remember the trip! So if nothing else, this can now be my trip notes repository!
COVID Vaccine Shot #1 Woooo! |
(Side note: if you are wondering why i didn't blog in 2020, don't worry about it. There was this whole pandemic thing and we weren't allowed to leave our houses for like a year so we deleted 2020. It never happened)
For my 2021 New Year's resolution I picked the word "Focus" and my plan is to pick a focus for each month. So far I have done:
January - Dry January
February - Vacation Planning (see note about 2020...)
March - Cardio
April - Wake Up Early
May - Blogging!
It has been a lot of fun! I like this approach better than then 30-day challenges because about half way through i ran out of challenges. This has worked a lot better because other than Dry January there are usually different approaches i can take. For example, for Cardio my goal was to do 2 cardio things per week but I could do running, spinning, or HIIT so I had options. Anyways, I'll cover those in a different post but I brought it up because as you can see my focus for May is blogging! So if nothing else, there will be at least 1 post per week for the month of May... and then I'll probably disappear for another year.
Just kidding!... I hope...
Alrighty, that is it for today, I just wanted to say I'm back again and test out my new way of adding pics to the post. More to come soon, wish me luck! 💗
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