Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween - Plumber Style!

Why doesn't Luigi have any cool catch phrases? Go ahead, take a look. There is actually a website with all the quotes that Mario and Luigi say. Not one of Luigi's is worth remembering. Luckily that didn't affect my decision to be Luigi for Halloween this year. Well, sorta Luigi... if he was golfing... and was a girl....

The whole idea got started when some friends and I saw Party City's version of what i like to call "slutty Luigi". My husband James and my friend Nick had already decided to go as traditional Mario and Luigi to a party. When we saw "Slutty Luigi" and "Slutty Mario" at Party City we joked that it would be funny if me and Nick's girlfriend Rachael dressed as slutty version of our significant others. We actually ended up tossing the idea but the more i thought about it the more i liked the idea and how can you pass up a mustache necklace?!

Party City ended up being out of my size by the time i decided to go buy the costume but they had accessories like the hat and blue suspenders. I decided to just wear a jean skirt with a green tank top and throw on the blue suspenders and hat. Luckily i was even able to find the mustache necklace on Amazon. Well, let me tell you that suspenders and a skirt is a horrible pair. Basically the suspenders just keep pulling the skirt up until it is around your neck and since there isn't a crotch, then there is nothing to stop it. After walking around the house for like a hour trying to figure out how to keep my skirt down i finally just decided to ditch the suspenders all together. Somehow i finally ended up wearing one of my running skirts that has shorts built in which was probably a great idea since alcohol and skirts usually tend to be a bad mix anyways.

So now, take the green tank, black running skirt, and green argyle socks and you have a sporty Luigi! At least that is what i am telling myself... ta-da!

Honestly, could I fit "Luigi" in that first paragraph one more time?

Happy Halloween!!

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