Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Future of my Blog

Just a heads up. I have 2 changes in the works for my blog:

1. New style!!
We have a new website in the works that will combine mine and my husband's blog. Currently our plan is to make the Home page a general news area for both of us and then we will have a tab for my blog, james' blog, and one for photos. So far it is looking pretty sleek! I just need James to show me how to operate it...

2. Expand a little.
When i started this blog (this time) I intended for it to solely be a way to track my resolutions and so far I have done just that. But as I look at others' blogs and just as a look over my own I realize I should share other things too. I want to. Even I get tired of reading only about this resolution stuff so i know everyone else must be tired of it too! (if anyone else even reads this still...)

So there ya go. 2 new things to look forward to! (or dread, haha)

1 comment:

Nathan Blevins said...

Looking forward to the additional topics! Its always fun to expand your blog. :)