We brought him home and changed his name to Argos (The dog from the Odyssey) hoping he’d be as faithful. He is still a jerk, he only comes when he wants to and he knows he is big so if he doesn’t want to go somewhere then he just sits down but he is also still very loyal. He still lays right in front of the door until we return and has even protected us a few times when needed even though he is the friendliest dog you will ever meet (to both dogs and humans). Everyone that meets him instantly falls in love with the gentle giant.
We did the DNA test on him and he is a Husky/Malamute/Labrador mix. We recently moved to Chicago and he absolutely loved it. It would be -13 outside and he’d want to go sit on the porch for a while! Spring is finally here, it is sunny and 71 today. He still wants to be outside but the sun is rough on a husky mix. In fact, he just kicked me out of the only porch shade. (there’s that jerk side again...). He is pretty spoiled but how can I resist that handsome face??
I’m so glad James talked me into getting a puppy. He is such a unique dog and has enriched our lives 100x over. ❤️

Major is our little cuddle bug. His DNA came back as 50% Rat Terrier and 50% total mutt. I imagine it like one of those romantic comedies where some snooty pure bred royal decides to "slum" it one night and ends up finally letting loose and falling in love and thus Major was born! He doesn't care for other dogs but to humans he is the most lovable dog in the world. All he wants in this world is food and snuggles. For the longest time he wanted to sleep with us but we wouldn’t let him so finally he just started jumping into the bed in the middle of the night so we’d just wake up and he’d be there. He is a little too smart sometimes... so we finally gave in and now I can’t sleep without the little guy curled up right beside me. ❤️
Our dogs are definitely spoiled and truth be told, they actually run the house but that’s a fair trade for all the love and joy they give us. I wouldn’t have it any other way!
If you are looking for a lovable companion, please choose to save a life by adopting. Don’t support the immoral business of breeding. It’s never okay.